The purpose of this assignment is to give the CHW knowledge of caring for a dive


The purpose of this assignment is to give the CHW knowledge of caring for a dive

The purpose of this assignment is to give the CHW knowledge of caring for a diverse community. People who identify as LBGTQ may have specific health concerns that are not addressed by some in the healthcare community. The relationship between the LBGTQ community and the CHW offers the opportunity to ensure clients receive the appropriate health care while addressing specific health needs and/or concerns of the clients.
Research 2 scholarly articles of related health concerns of members of the LBGTQ community. Data from scholarly sites may also be used. Give a desсrіption of the health concerns described from both sites. Identify a particular group with the concerns or identify the person giving the information (a medical doctor, psychologist, social worker, etc.). Next, identify a model, theory, or skill you believe would be most beneficial for your client.
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