Annotated bibliography of my final research project. This is the info on my rese


Annotated bibliography of my final research project. This is the info on my rese

Annotated bibliography of my final research project. This is the info on my research proposal and my instructor’s feedback on it for context:
Investigate the different ways Fashion brands use storytelling in their advertising campaigns, and how these shape consumer views and values within the fashion industry.
Create an analysis on a variety of fashion brand’s advertising campaigns to compare their use of storytelling. For this analysis I will gather social media content, print ads, and sponsored articles on fashion magazines. Brands will go from fast fashion to luxury, in order to have a broader view of the different approaches they utilize. The focus of the analysis is on storytelling so my attention will go towards plot development, character portrayal, and thematic content. I would also like to perform an interview where I show people different ads and they try to identify what’s the “story” behind the images.
I expect to find the foundations on storytelling techniques brands use in their ads to compel consumers into buying their products, what characters they choose and why, how choice of colors, music, and setting affect these stories, and if these narratives do carry on with consumers.
Feedback: Your proposal has a good foundation, but it would benefit from some refinement. Here are some suggestions for improvement:
Strengthen the Thesis Statement: Clearly state what you expect to find about how storytelling in fashion advertising shapes consumer views and values.
Expand the Methodology: Provide more details on data collection (number of brands, interview format).
Connect Analysis to Sociology: Explain how you will analyze the storytelling elements (plot, characters, themes) in relation to sociological concepts like consumer identity and social status.
Proofread: Address the grammatical errors to ensure clarity.


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