Yeast Life Cycle Rubric Meiosis : You are to show why at the end of the yeast li


Yeast Life Cycle Rubric
Meiosis :
You are to show why at the end of the yeast li

Yeast Life Cycle Rubric
Meiosis :
You are to show why at the end of the yeast life cycle, there should be 75% red and 25% white colonies
if the meiotic products were plated on a nutrient agar plate. To do this draw (NICELY) and label each
step of meiosis beginning with the normal, non-prophase I cell. Be sure to put the proper adenine
alleles on the chromosomes at each step. Show the genotype of the red and white colonies at the end.
NO written explanation is necessary if the meiotic steps and genotypes are done well.
Mating type :
Any of the resulting colonies if the meiotic products were plated could be either “a” or “” mating types.
This results from the fact that of the four spores resulting from each complete meiotic event, two are
“a” and two “” mating types. Write one or two paragraphs (no more than a half page) explaining how
you would do an experiment to show whether any given colony is “a” or “” mating type.


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