Choose ONE of the following and respond with a cited, non-Wikipedia, full paragr


Choose ONE of the following and respond with a cited, non-Wikipedia, full paragr

Choose ONE of the following and respond with a cited, non-Wikipedia, full paragraph.
***In order to receive full points for your post:
1) You MUST include your citation (like a URL) to your source; and 2) ALSO a piece of DIRECT QUOTE to report research, with introductory/transitional phrasing in your own language. When you take even 3-4 words directly from a research source, you MUST place those between quotation marks. For instance, you might write something like: According to, Henry VIII’s first wife Catherine of Aragon was “demoted for bearing no son.” Do you see how words you took directly from another source are placed within quotation marks? You MUST to do this, or you risk a plagiarism charge. Since you are being asked to conduct research, it’s perfectly fine that you are reading other sources, but you need to get in the habit of reporting and crediting your sources correctly.
Please note: Any time you use another source, you must use quotation marks around words taken from them and credit your source each and every time you use their ideas or words. Do NOT borrow a large chunk from someone else and then just drop a citation at the end of your post. That will not receive any credit.

1) Plays: Waiting for Godot is often considered the first of 3 plays which Beckett is most famous for. Sometimes they are thought of as a “trilogy” of sorts, though they are independent pieces and are usually read as such. Do some research about the two other famous Beckett plays: Endgame and Happy Days. Then give a brief recap of ONE of these plays.
2) Relationships: Of course Beckett knew a lot of people during his lifetime, but some research should bring up two names that might have been most meaningful. One was another famous writer who was considered his “mentor,” and another is the woman with him he had a long relationship which resulted in their marriage. Identify and write about ONE of these two important relationships in Beckett’s life.


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