Progress Check Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can: Use


Progress Check
Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can: Use

Progress Check
Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can: Use StatCrunch to conduct a hypothesis test to test a claim about a population mean.
State an appropriate conclusion in context.
Explain the meaning of each relevant item from the StatCrunch output. Directions
Use the drop-down menu to learn about the three steps needed to complete this assignment.
Three steps to complete the assignmentContext
A group of 75 college students from a liberal arts college were randomly sampled and asked about the number of alcoholic drinks they have in a typical week. The file containing the data is linked below. The purpose of this studyLinks to an external site. was to compare the drinking habits of the students at the college to the drinking habits of college students in general. In particular, the dean of students, who initiated this study, would like to check whether the mean number of alcoholic drinks that students at his college have in a typical week differs from the mean of U.S. college students in general, which is estimated to be 4.73.
The number of alcoholic beverages a student consumes in a week.
Open the drinks datafile in the Stats at Cuyamaca College group on StatCrunch (directions – opens in a new tab).
Note – the drinks datafile is different from the college_drinking file.
The drinks datafile is available in the Data section above.
Let � be the mean number of alcoholic beverages that students in the liberal arts college drink in a typical week. State the hypotheses.
Here is a histogram of the data. Can we safely use the t-test with this data? Explain.
Perform the t-test using StatCrunch. (directions)
Copy and paste the information from the StatCrunch output window into the textbox.
Based on the P-value, state your conclusions in context. Use a 5% level of significance.
NOTE: You do not need to double the P-value for this two-tailed test. StatCrunch calculates the P-value for you.
Using the context of this scenario, explain the meaning of each of following items from the StatCrunch output for the hypothesis test.Std. Err (standard error)
T-stat (T-score)
List of StatCrunch Directions
Click here for StatCrunch DirectionsModule 22 Discussion Board
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Content by Cuyamaca College math faculty and licensed under the Creative Commons 4.0 International LicenseLinks to an external site.. Rubric
Formative Assessments w/ StatCrunch
Formative Assessments w/ StatCrunch
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswering the Prompt
8 ptsFull Credit
The first submission demonstrates a good-faith effort to address each part of the Prompt. Either in the first draft or the optional final draft, all parts of the “Prompt” are addressed and the responses demonstrate attainment of the learning objectives in the “Progress Check” section of the assignment. The answers are correct. The writing/work is clear. The explanation/work is reasonable, well-organized, and easy to follow.
6.5 ptsMostly Correct
The first submission demonstrates a good-faith effort to address most of the Prompt. In the optional final draft all parts of the “Prompt” are addressed, and the responses demonstrate attainment of the learning objectives in the “Progress Check” section of the assignment. The answers are mostly correct. The writing/work is clear. The explanation/work is reasonable, well-organized, and easy to follow.
3.5 ptsOne or more incorrect
The first submission demonstrates a good-faith effort to respond to a smaller portion of the Prompt. In the first draft or the optional final draft, one or more parts of the “Prompt” are not addressed or are incorrect. Or, answers do not demonstrate attainment of the learning objectives in the “Progress Check” section of the assignment. Or, answers are correct, but the writing/work is unclear, incorrect, or difficult to follow.
0 ptsNo Marks
The first submission does not demonstrate a good-faith effort to address the Prompt.
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStatCrunch
2 ptsFull Credit
StatCrunch graphs and/or tables are correct and embedded with your work.
1 ptsPartial Credit
StatCrunch graphs and/or tables are incorrect or missing important information.
0 ptsNo Credit
No StatCrunch information is embedded with your post. Or all StatCrunch work is incorrect.
2 pts
Total Points: 10


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