Part 1: Read Chapter 4 on Page 41. Part 2: Using the Psychology and the Victims


Part 1: Read Chapter 4 on Page 41.
Part 2: Using the Psychology and the Victims

Part 1: Read Chapter 4 on Page 41.
Part 2: Using the Psychology and the Victims of Crime model
on page 43, research the percentages according t the table for the
victims of crime in Miami-Dade County. Resources like the Florida State
Attorney’s Office and the Miami-Dade Police Department are some good
points to start. After developing the data, describe why, in your
opinion, the percentages show as they are. Format – Word Document/APA Format/Double Space
Cover Page – Yes/APA
References – Yes. Minimum of 4 scholarly references. Outside
sources are permitted. Ebook source is mandatory. Wikipedia is not
Abstract – Yes
Running head: Yes
Page numbers – Yes
Illustrations, graphs, pie charts, etc. – Yes
Font – Times New Roman/12 pt


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