For your Week 5 Assignment 1, you write and implement a math lesson with a focus


For your Week 5 Assignment 1, you write and implement a math lesson with a focus

For your Week 5 Assignment 1, you write and implement a math lesson with a focus on representing and interpreting data. Your lesson plan must include modifications and accommodations based on the backgrounds, strengths, and disabilities of your students. Examples include making bar graphs of favorite foods or creating a line plot to show the dates on a collection of coins. Collaborate with your host teacher to discuss the following: What do the children know about representing and interpreting data? What do you want the children to learn? What standards are you using? Review the diversity in the class such as cultural, socioeconomic background, strengths, and disabilities that may contribute to or impede learning. Your lesson plan must include modifications and accommodations based on the needs of your students. ———————- Plan and write the lesson plan completing all sections of the “Lesson Plan Template.” Implement the lesson in your field experience classroom. After teaching the lesson, collaborate with your host teacher to discuss observations or insights gained from writing and teaching the lesson. Complete the reflection section of the “Lesson Plan Template” based on the feedback from your host teacher as well as your own thoughts from carrying out this assignment.


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