Save your answers to the questions below in a Word document and attach it below.


Save your answers to the questions below in a Word document and attach it below.

Save your answers to the questions below in a Word document and attach it below.
1. In “It’s Hard Enough Being Me,” the narrator states: “Trying to understand who and why I am, while understanding Plato or Homer, is a lot to ask of myself” What does she mean? How does her comment support Claude Steele’s research (see video on Stereotype Threat) on the connection between stereotype threat and intellectual achievement?
2. Mention two ways in which Anzaludua in “To Live in the Borderlands Means You” expresses a dilemma similar to both “Senior Picture Day” and “It’s Hard Enough Being Me.” Mention and explain at least one example you know of a person or group living on “the borderlands.”


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