For each lab you wish to make up create a written lab report based on the proced


For each lab you wish to make up create a written lab report based on the procedure in the lab manual
1.) What was the goal of the lab? What measurements will you need to take? What graphs/relationship are you hoping to compare?
2.) Write a report on how you would perform the lab (A lab procedure with bullet points will suffice, this should also include the data points you would have collected, and any equations needed for calculations you would have had to perform)
3.) If a graph is required in the lab, look up the shape of the graph your data would reflect and explain the relationship between the data. Explain how the equations should show the same graphical resemblance.
This report should be no more than 3 pages in length. (Use double spaced, 12pt font Times New Roman)
Attached in the module is a template for what is expected.


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