Due April 21st- SWOT(T) Analysis & Business Model Canvas from Canvanizer.com – L


Due April 21st- SWOT(T) Analysis & Business Model Canvas from Canvanizer.com – Link or screenshot – 50 points
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats & Trends – Important -add trends in your business opportunity with your submission for full credit!
Note: Setup separate accounts (you will use them for the Business Model Canvas) for your 2 businesses and use the SWOT template for each…submit a link to your work to canvas for credit
There should be a total of 4 canvases. one showing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats & Trends for a profit and non profit organization.
The other two will be a SWOT template for both non profit and profit organziations. I put in 5 pictures in the files to show what it should look like.


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