TEACH-BACK PRESENTATION 3 Create a 15-20 slide Powerpoint presentation that expl


Create a 15-20 slide Powerpoint presentation that explains, in-depth, with examples, what the four traditional approaches to film history are that the authors describe: aesthetic, technological, economic and social-historical.
Tips for a good power point presentation are here https://www.lifewire.com/presentation-tips-for-students-2766920
Keep in mind you are breaking down the concepts as if you had to teach them to a group. Use a lot of visuals and short sentences rather than a lot of text on the slide. Analyze and then simplify the concepts.
If you have more to say about a slide and do not want to cram in too much text, that’s what the “notes” section is for at the bottom of the slide. It’s for your reference, so it won’t be seen by the audience. In this case, since you will only be posting it, not presenting it, feel free to add additional information for your audience in the “notes section” as needed. It keeps your presentation clean, but shows that you have additional information to give you your audience.


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