SECTION THREE: MicronutrientAssessment This week you will be assessing your micr


SECTION THREE: MicronutrientAssessment
This week you will be assessing your micronutrient intake from your three-day food records and comparing it to the dietary guidelines.
Part I:
Complete the table for each micronutrient to find the three-day average. You will need the three-day average in order to compare your daily intake to the guidelines.
Part 2.
Compare your three-day average with the recommended dietary guidelines that pertain to you. Then determine if you meet the needs, are under/deficient or over/excess.
Part 3.
Review the results of your vitamin and mineral intake. In each box, discuss how you can improve your results to meet your recommended needs. Be specific on how to increase or decrease your intake (which foods, portions, meals).
You will use these recommendations for the final section (MDA part 4) where you will develop a new meal plan incorporating all of your results and recommendations.
The recommendations you discuss should be realistic, easy to obtain with the ability to add to your diet.
Part 4. Briefly complete the reflection of this experience and results.
To Submit:
1. This completed worksheet
2. The spreadsheet report for each day (this should be three individual reports)


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