Students will create two promotional advertisements (a Video and Digital Poster)


Students will create two promotional advertisements (a Video and Digital Poster) for the sport products discussed in their strategic sport marketing plan.
Post a video and digital poster to the discussion forum along with a title for each. You have a full two weeks to complete this forum. Don’t procrastinate!
Video CriteriaRecord, edit, create, a 10-15 second video to promote your sport organization, sport product, or product package.
Still images can be used.
The video does not need to include you. But it can!
The video may be created via social media applications.
The video should increase awareness, interest, and action on the part of the consumer.
(Please create this video responsibly)
PosterCreate a poster to promote your sport organization, sport product, or product package.
At least 50% of the poster content must be created originally by you.
Other images may be copied and pasted (logos, trademarks, banners)Overutilization of previously made content will result in a loss of points.
After submitting your promotional materials, students must “LIKE” THREE (3) and only three classmates video/posters.
Hit the “like” button on your three (3) favorite videos.
Don’t like your own (Honor System)
Please consult the lecture materials and video resources below for assistance:

Requirements: Long as it needs to be | .doc file


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