Develop a leadership model and provide a comprehensive 2-page explanation of its


Develop a leadership model and provide a comprehensive 2-page explanation of its key components and their implications. This model should serve as a guide for understanding and implementing effective leadership behaviors.
Consider the various outcomes that effective leadership can influence, such as follower satisfaction, organizational commitment, and citizenship behaviors. Craft a model that illustrates the leader behaviors you believe are crucial for achieving these outcomes. This model should demonstrate how the cultivation of organizational citizenship behavior can lead to improved follower performance and satisfaction.
What do you think effective leader behaviors would be right? Any type of mediating variables? What outcome are you seeking from leadership? Right? It’s not enough just to say that this is effective leadership, fix leadership for what? Creating cohesion or raising performance or whatever it might be, right job satisfaction, on and on and on, because effective leader behaviors. If your only outcome was to create job satisfaction, it might be a set of different behaviors than if you’re trying to create enhanced productivity.
…And remember. Focus on the graphical representation. And then it shouldn’t take you more than a page or 2 to explain it and support it. The fact is. if it takes longer than that to explain it and support it. It’s probably because it makes sense, and it can’t be supported there because, you know, you ought to be able to specifically say what that is when you drew it… You don’t have to write a book. Just tell me what it is you got going on in the model….
I attached the book, and you can read the leadership and their leadership models.


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