Respond to your colleagues by making recommendations for how they might strength


Respond to your colleagues by making recommendations for how they might strength

Respond to your colleagues by making recommendations for how they might strengthen the leadership behaviors profiled in their StrengthsFinder assessment, or by commenting on lessons to be learned from the results that can be applied to personal leadership philosophies and behaviors. Include 2 references: Upon completing my StrengthsFinder assessment, my theme report included traits related to harmony, relator, consistency, arranger, and deliberator. When taking on a leadership role, it is vital to use your qualities and attributes to your advantage to be successful. To do that, they should learn about what traits and qualities they have and use them while also learning how to improve in areas they may lack as well. A leader’s treats will get certain results from workers, and potentially differing perceptions can follow. It is believed that leaders must possess traits of being a visionary, be courageous and ethical, organized, humble, focused, motivated, must be able to build quality relations and be cooperative (Shehzad et al., 2019). When deciding on a career path, it is important to figure out what you are good at. Not always because this can make work easier, but because for some, when they succeed and enjoy work, work becomes less daunting. Research shows “Those who get to do what they do best every day are six times as likely to be engaged in their jobs and three times as likely to report having an excellent quality of life” (Buono, 2023). When looking at the traits I possess, I understood why I chose to continue my education as a healthcare professional. My ability to be consistent benefits the care I provide to my patients. My ability to include harmony and relatability allows me to build quality relationships with those I work with. My ability to arrange allows me to coordinate care and prioritize things, and deliberation allows me to consider all possibilities and make educated decisions considering all options. A few core values I know I can improve on are balance and health. When engulfing myself in something important, I find it hard developing a good work/life balance. I tend to spend more time than I should worrying about things, instead of enjoying my time away from work. This then leads to my lack of self-care, affecting my health. This includes physical and mental health. I tend to stress about things that do not need to be worrisome at that moment, which can sometimes be all-consuming. Some strengths I know I can improve on as a leader are decision-making and confidence. Making decisions for others and even myself at times can be stressful. I have an extremely tough time fully committing to certain decisions without worrying that it is the right decision and not considering the “what ifs.” This can be combined with my confidence when making decisions, as I always wonder if there is something more that could have been done. This also reflects the core values I hope to improve involving balance, as many decisions I make continue to be played in my head, away from work, and contemplation. Characteristics I can improve include my ability to delegate and communicate. At times, it can be difficult for me to give up tasks or be an inconvenience to others, so it can be easier for me to do it rather than assigning it to someone just as capable. I know to be an effective leader, teamwork is involved, as well as active participation, but sometimes it can be easier to do things yourself, versus having to direct others. I also lack proper communication at times, especially in large crowds or in front of people who work above me. I do always want to make a good impression, but this can be difficult when you “freeze” in large crowds. One way I can work on this is by continuing to lead discussions in crowds or groups, as I know this skill will come with time.


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