Cybersecurity is a growing concern for all Americans Develop an in-depth analysi


Cybersecurity is a growing concern for all Americans
Develop an in-depth analysi

Cybersecurity is a growing concern for all Americans
Develop an in-depth analysis of a key problem/challenge in your career field, or other area of interest.
• Present your well-researched recommendations for solving this problem in a 5-7 page essay, using 5-7 credible sources. • Research can be a combination of scholarly print, electronic, Internet, and audio-visual sources. Sources must be credible, so use caution when using Internet sources.
• Include a title page, abstract, references, and table/figure page (these do not count towards the minimum 5-7 pages of text). APA guideline formatting must be used.
• At least one self-created visual aid to present and interpret research data.
♦ The visual will either be a table or a figure and must be original, use research, and be properly cited in APA.
♦ It should appear on a separate page at the end of the essay as a figure or table – review the reading and videos provided in Week 5 and the Visual Citation Example Google doc
• Use only third person point of view (forms of “he,” “she,” “it,” “they,” and “one”)
Persuasive Research Paper Rubric
200 Possible Points
Requirements: 15 Points Possible
The essay shows an understanding of how to format a research essay in appropriate APA style and has the following requirements met: 5-7 pages of text, double-spaced, Times New Roman, pt. 12 font, 1” margins, etc. The essay includes an appropriate title page and an abstract.
Organization and Unity: 30 Points Possible
Uses good paragraph construction, has a solid intro and conclusion and has an easily identifiable thesis. Organizes ideas in a logical, easy-to-follow manner (paragraphs transition smoothly, sentences are clearly written). Material correlates to the thesis.
Critical Thinking/Content: 60 Points Possible
Presents a persuasive stance that convinces readers to support the action or thought without delivering a personal opinion – persuasion is based on research and persuasive techniques. Clearly and thoroughly refutes counterarguments. Solution is presented, limitations addressed. Demonstrates high-level critical thinking.
Research: 25 Points Possible
5-7 credible sources are used. Research is smoothly incorporated into the essay and supports the thesis.
Grammar/Mechanics/Style: 25 Points Possible
Proofreading is evident. No more than a few minor errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics, diction, or syntax. Errors do not disrupt readability. 3rd person narrative only is used.
APA Citations: 25 Points Possible
Shows correct APA formatting of sources, both in-text and on the reference page. All sources are cited. Essay is plagiarism free.
Visual: 20 Points Possible
Draft includes an original visual (table or graph) with data that correlates to the topic, is clearly represented, and formatted in APA on a separate page after the references
Submit in Assignments via the left-hand navigation menu.
Review the Course Calendar for the specific due date.
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The order was placed through a short procedure (customer skipped some order details).
Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.
Type of paper and subject
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