Page 349 of the textbook features a story about Stephen Curry and his experience


Page 349 of the textbook features a story about Stephen Curry and his experience

Page 349 of the textbook features a story about Stephen Curry and his experiences being pitched as a brand representative by Nike and Under Armour. Review this story and read the two articles used as sources for it (shown below) before answering the discussion questions.
TrueHoop Presents: How Nike lost Stephen Curry to Under Armour
The $14 Billion Man: Why Nike Lost NBA Superstar Stephen Curry to Under Armour
For this discussion, answer the following questions:
What were some of the mistakes Nike made in its pitch to Stephen Curry?
What did Under Armour do right in its pitch to Stephen Curry?
Which three principles of persuasion from Chapter 11 (pages 322 – 323) are most important in this situation? How did both organizations use or fail to use the lessons from this week’s How to Win Friends readings?


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