Explain what a Visual Basic “property” is, when it can be set (be precise), and


Explain what a Visual Basic “property” is, when it can be set (be precise), and

Explain what a Visual Basic “property” is, when it can be set (be precise), and what “part of speech” it is most similar to.
Write a statement to declare a variable that can be used to store a person’s Zip Code such as 21252.
Write a compound if statement to evaluate some condition (it’s up to you, just make it meaningful). Make sure to have at least 3 logical operators evaluating at least 3 conditions. Follow all naming standards.
Write a Visual Basic statement to change the text in the textbox to all uppercase.
When is it okay to leave a Label object’s name property the default assigned by the IDE, e.g., Label1, Label2, etc.
Write the body of a button’s click event as follows. Assume the form contains text boxes txtFirstVal and txtSecondVal into which a user can type numeric values such as 29.99. Calculate and display the sum. Be sure to declare appropriate variables to store these values when the button is clicked, then calculate the sum using these two variables. Hint: Remember that a text box’s .Text property is always a String.
Write a multiple-selection If block that has 3 conditions to check for and then catch anything else in an “otherwise bucket.” Use any data type you like, take whatever action you want, and use all class standards. Don’t overcode this: just the Select Case block.
Write a block of code that demonstrates you know how to write a Select Case structure. Keep it simple; don’t overcode.
Write a block of code that demonstrates you know how to construct a nested If structure. Keep it simple, don’t include any more code than the If block code itself, and use all class standards (variable/object names, indenting, etc.).


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