1.) Please refer to the attached video while answering the below question. Dis


Please refer to the attached video while answering the below question.

Please refer to the attached video while answering the below question.
Discuss the silos that were mentioned. How do they create a problem? What did you learn about critical problem solving? Why do we need to learn about a multidisciplinary world? Discuss human centered design and the visual aspect of design. What was the mindset shift that was needed that was discussed in the second video?
Note: Your answer should be a minimum of 5 – 6 pages and include a minimum of 4 -5 references (published not more than three years ago).
Support your answer from your own perspective on the topic given below. Also discuss the strong points and weaknesses of the given topic as well.
Topic: Understand how learning by doing may have substantial advantages over formal analysis, research, and planning in turbulent, unpredictable environments. Discuss the trade-offs between analysis, experimentation, and scale. Learn that prototyping has powerful benefits, because entrepreneurs and innovators can test, learn, and adapt their products and business models. Explore the challenging tradeoffs that leaders face as they launch a new business, product, service, or process.
Note: Your answer should be a minimum of 3-4 pages and include a minimum of 2-3 references (published not more than three years ago.
Content should be clear, concise, and understandable.
Please follow the minimum answer length and include a minimum number of references, and in-text citations for the above questions in APA format. References should have been published no more than three years ago.
Check for any grammatical errors and sentence structure.
No plagiarism is allowed; please check the final answer for plagiarism before submitting.


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