Write my results and discussion section. The length does not really matter but i


Write my results and discussion section. The length does not really matter but i

Write my results and discussion section. The length does not really matter but it should be well written, not at all plagiarized, and above all ACCURATE.
I have attached my data set below. I have also attached my research groups primary paper as a reference. AGAIN PLEASE DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please just use the same method of statical analysis as them for that data sets. My paper is a spinoff of this essentially same thing different data.
I have much less data so it should be easy. Please follow the instructions exactly and don′t hesitate to reach out with any questions. I know it looks like a lot but the instructions are just really detailed!
Results: What data have you collected? This section should be divided with subheadings. Good subheadings
convey information about the findings. It is recommended that you use similar language in your figure
titles for clarity. Include Figures and Images with Legends, Tables with titles/footnotes, or cartoons in the
body of the Results. Number distinct Figures and Tables as Figure/Table 1, Figure/Table 2, Figure/Table 3,
Each figure legend should have a brief title that describes the figure. For any figures presenting pooled
data, the measures should be defined in the figure legends (for example, ″Data are represented as mean
± SEM″).
Please use the Microsoft Word table function to make tables. Tables should include a title, and footnotes
and/or legend should be concise. Do not submit tables in Excel or PDF format. Do not place an Excel table
in a Word document.
Discussion: What do the results obtained, mean to the questions that you set out to answer? How will this
advance the field? The discussion should explain the significance of the results and place them into a
broader context. It is often helpful to the reader to indicate the directions in which the work might be
built on going forward. The discussion may contain subheadings and can be combined with the results


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