In a 3-5 page typed double-spaced report (page minimum excludes the reference pa


In a 3-5 page typed double-spaced report (page minimum excludes the reference pa

In a 3-5 page typed double-spaced report (page minimum excludes the reference page), you will
conduct a self-audit on your own mental health and consequently formulate a plan of action to
change your behavior. You will evaluate yourself using several on-line tests. This self-evaluation
will take some time! Do not wait until the last min to work on this project.
The on-line tests are all offered on one website at You must register on the site before taking
the tests.
From the website: “These questionnaires measure character strengths and aspects of happiness. All are yours
to use at no charge. For each one, you’ll immediately receive your score and see how it compares to the scores of
others who have used this website. We’ll keep a record of your scores, so that you can return later and see how far
you’ve progressed. To see your earlier scores, log in and choose the Test Center link. You must complete our free
registration form to use the questionnaires. Once you are registered, you may log in whenever you like to use
them again or view your scores. Your responses to these questionnaires will be used in research about happiness,
but your e-mail address, name, and password will not be included with them. We use them only to give you access
to your own records and to send information about the website, if you agree to receive our e-mails.”
The specific tests you are required to take for your self-audit include:
Under Engagement Questions take the following test:
1. VIA Signature Strengths Questionnaire — measures 24 character strengths
2. Optimism Test — measures optimism about the future
Under Flourishing Questionnaires take the following test:
3. PERMA — measures positive and negative affect- all the PERMA sections
Under Life Satisfaction Questionnaires take the following test:
4. Satisfaction with Life Scale-Measures Life Satisfaction
Under Meaning Questionnaires take the following test:
5. Close Relationships Questionnaires- Measures Attachment Style
Based on careful reflection of your test results, you will:
(1) Based on your results identify your strengths and discuss your thoughts of the origins of
these strengths (think in terms of genetics, education, social support, access to health care,
(2) Identify an area of functioning that you would like to strengthen or improve. Be specific –
use the data from the survey to demonstrate why you made your choice.
(3) Once you identify the area of functioning you would like to strengthen or improve, research
the mental health literature to select an appropriate strategy, intervention, or technique
that will help improve the select area of functioning. Do not guess at a technique – you will
need it to be evidence-based, meaning you are required to cite a published peer-reviewed
journal article that provides some support for the selected technique or intervention. The
quality of your paper (aka, grade) is dependent on your research here! Be sure to also
describe the rationale for selecting this intervention over others that you found – will it be
an intervention that is easier for you to implement?, is it a cheaper alternative?, does it
have strong evidence of working in individuals like you? How long will it take for the
proposed intervention to have some results?
You are required to have a minimum of 3 references, with a minimum of 1 peer-reviewed
journal article. The other references may come from reputable on-line websites at the end of
the syllabus. NO WIKIPEDIA REFERENCES, please.


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