Students will be expected to write 4 analytical reaction papers designed to have


Students will be expected to write 4 analytical reaction papers designed to have

Students will be expected to write 4 analytical reaction papers designed to have students synthesize the main ideas of each week’s reading. Reaction papers (2-3 pages, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12) based on the week’s readings should be submitted on Blackboard. These papers should analyze critically one or two important issues in the reading assignment, issues which you find thought-provoking or problematical. Analyze in some detail an important issue of interest. Stay focused on that issue and present your analysis logically. (Outlining is recommended.) Some suggested approaches: 1) Develop a logical critique of the arguments you analyze (e.g., Does the evidence support the arguments?); 2) Compare and contrast material in one reading assignment with that in another; 3) Compare material in readings with theoretical or research material presented in class; or 4) Use material in reading assignment to assess other significant research or issues you have studied, including your own. The point of the papers is to demonstrate that you’ve thought through and analyzed one or two important issues in the reading assignment. Your papers also provide a basis to support your participation in class discussions. reading attached below


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