Based on the readings and any research you conducted on threats from terrorism,


Based on the readings and any research you conducted on threats from terrorism,

Based on the readings and any research you conducted on threats from terrorism, cyber, or uncrewed aerial systems in the aviation industry, create a one to three-slide presentation on one of these threats. This presentation can be in the form of a checklist, graph, chart, or infographic.
For your presentation, you have three options. Read through all options before choosing one to complete:
Option 1: Compare and contrast what threats from traditional crime and/or terrorism airports and airlines currently face.
Option 2: Identify how cyber threats impact the aviation industry in airports or against the airlines.
Option 3: Examine how the threats from uncrewed aerial systems impact the aviation industry in airports or against the airlines.
Please review the Media Hub, a multimedia resource guide (ERAU),Links to an external site. for suggested software tools and resources you can use for your course activity.
In your presentation, note the option that you chose.(MS power point)
Reference and cite your sources using the current APA format. Post your presentation as early in the module week as possible so that others have time to reply.
From me: Please ensure to make the slides colorful and interesting. I have recieved some slides in the past that seem far to basic. Thanks!


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