Evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of potential solutions can be a complicat


Evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of potential solutions can be a complicat

Evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of potential solutions can be a complicated process. It is, however, a vitally important task because it relates to gaining approval for policy changes. For this discussion, you will describe the approach you would use to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of a potential solution.
• Briefly describe the problem and the potential solution for which you will be identifying benefits and drawbacks. This will be the same problem that is explained in the attached Microsoft Word document.
• Describe the approach you would use to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of a potential solution. Be sure to address the following:
o Who are your stakeholders (internal and external), and how will you identify them?
o How will the approach you take to evaluating the benefits and drawbacks differ for internal and external stakeholders? Explain.


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