Also, please ensure that your PowerPoint deck has a minimum of 10 slides with a


Also, please ensure that your PowerPoint deck has a minimum of 10 slides with a

Also, please ensure that your PowerPoint deck has a minimum of 10 slides with a min. of 4 cited references in APA Style throughout. Required Components (thoroughly explain each of the following)
History of the Brand
Provide a SWOT Analysis
What has the Brand done well and not so well?
What Needs to Change, and why?
How to Build it Better?
New Mission Statement
New Vision Statement
New Logo?
Change in color usage?
New Tagline?
Is there a Product(s) or Service(s) change?
Who is the Target Market? (Same, New, or Combination?)
How will the Brand Messaging be Consistent Across all Media?
What are the Preferred Channels?
Will the reach be Domestic and/or International?
Why are you making these Recommendations? Based on What research?
Be able to justify and explain your Reasoning and Recommendations.


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