In the reading, the “Institutional Research Roles Overview” looks at the roles a


In the reading, the “Institutional Research Roles Overview” looks at the roles a

In the reading, the “Institutional Research Roles Overview” looks at the roles and functions performed by institutional researchers. Please be sure to read this information before working on this unit’s discussion.
For this unit’s discussion, conduct an interview with an institutional researcher at an institution of your choice. You may locate an interviewee through an internet search, which typically provides email or telephone contact information. You may conduct the interview in person, via telephone, or through email.
Here are some sample questions you should use in your interview, but please feel free to add others depending on your specific interests and the person you are interviewing:
Why did you choose a career in institutional research?
What is the most important service you provide to your institution?
How does the institutional research (IR) office support campus decision making?
What kinds of reports does your office provide to users?
Does your office review and revise institutional plans yearly?
What is your timeline for annual institutional strategic plans?
Do you feel the IR office is over- or under-utilized? Why?
What questions do you have that were not covered?


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