Assignment: Compare the Walmart 2022 Days on Hand results to the Target 2022 Day


Assignment: Compare the Walmart 2022 Days on Hand results to the Target 2022 Day

Assignment: Compare the Walmart 2022 Days on Hand results to the Target 2022 Days on Hand results. You can find the data you need in the companies’ annual reports online. Write an executive summary (follow the model provided) detailing the daily Cost of Sales for each year, respective days of Inventory for 2022, and the financial impact of the different inventory levels as measured by the Days on Hand measure. Assume a 25% carrying cost ratio. There is information on how to do these calculations in the example provided.
Be careful to use the correct units for the financial impact. (Financial numbers in Income Statements and Balance Sheets are often in $ millions.) Also, comment on any other noticeable differences in performance or situation. Provide the date for the financial information.
Explain differences in performance (merely stating that a difference in size exists is inadequate).
Submit to D2L a single Word document, single-spaced, 12 pt font. Your submission must follow the template format provided on page 3 of this document. The other document in this Dropbox provides instructions and examples for completing your analysis. Your document must precisely follow the template provided (including headers and tables), or you will receive a grade reduction. Replace all red font material with your original content. Change the font to black. Do not submit any material in red font, or you will receive a grade reduction. Correct grammar and punctuation are expected in this assignment and will be a component of your grade. Get help if you need it (Grammarly is one option). Use expressive language. Be careful about using the word “very” (what does that mean?). Submit one file with the filename DaysOnHand.docx.


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