Commonplace Book entry comparing any aspect of Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus and Shak


Commonplace Book entry comparing any aspect of Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus and Shak

Commonplace Book entry comparing any aspect of Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus and Shakespeare’s The Tempest so far. To earn full credit, this should be a thoughtful reflection of at least 250 words, and must include at least one (or more) direct quotes from both texts. Some obvious sources of comparison would include the following topics, but please go in whatever direction you are interested in:
Faustus vs. Prospero as magicians
What do both of these plays seem to be saying about learning/wisdom so far
Magical / supernatural beings in both texts
The role of power in both texts
Angels and spirits in both texts
References to imperialism and colonialism in both texts in both texts
Religious references, either explicit or implicit in both texts
The role of art, imagination, theater, and illusion in both texts
Choose of the bullet points and write a reflection, INCLUDE QUOTES FROM THE TEXTS


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