Progress Check Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can: Calc


Progress Check
Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can:

Progress Check
Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can: Calculate and use a confidence interval to estimate a population proportion.
Identify the appropriate tool to calculate a confidence interval.
Use the drop-down menu to learn about the three steps needed to complete this assignment.
Three steps to complete the assignmentPrompt
Question 1
In June 2021, Gallup published an online article titled Public Backs Requiring COVID-19 Vaccine to Attend SchoolLinks to an external site. by Jeffrey M. Jones.
According to the article, 61% of U.S. adults who responded to the survey favor requiring College students to be vaccinated in order to attend classes (including classes in fall 2021). A representative random sample of 3,572 U.S. adults, aged 18 and older, were surveyed.
Are conditions met for calculating a confidence interval? Support your conclusion mathematically and show your work.
If conditions are met, use your graphing calculator to calculate a 95% confidence interval that estimates the proportion of U.S. adults who favor requiring College students to be vaccinated in order to attend classes. State your results in context.
Question 2
Login and open StatCrunch (directions).
Open your IAT sample data set in StatCrunch (directions) We will use a 90% confidence interval to estimate the population proportion of participants born female in our chosen IAT data set.
So, you are tasked with using your IAT sample to calculate a 90% confidence interval that estimates the population proportion of participants born female in your particular IAT. But, you are missing a piece of information that would allow you to use your graphing calculator to find the confidence interval. What piece of information is missing?
Even though we cannot readily use our graphing calculators, StatCrunch can calculate the confidence interval for us! Use StatCrunch to find the 90% confidence interval for the population proportion of female participants in your particular IAT (directions – opens in a new tab). Highlight and copy everything in your StatCrunch output window and paste it into your response.
Identify the sample proportion (�^) in the StatCrunch output table. Then determine whether conditions are met for using the confidence interval to estimate the population proportion of female participants in your chosen IAT. Show your work.
If conditions are met, estimate the population proportion of female participants in your particular IAT, and state your conclusion in context. If conditions are not met, explain what a researcher could do so that conditions are met.
Based on your analysis, do you think the population of participants in your chosen IAT is representative of the U.S. population? Explain. List of StatCrunch Directions
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Content by Cuyamaca College math faculty and licensed under the Creative Commons 4.0 International LicenseLinks to an external site.. Rubric
Formative Assessments w/ StatCrunch
Formative Assessments w/ StatCrunch
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswering the Prompt
8 ptsFull Credit
The first submission demonstrates a good-faith effort to address each part of the Prompt. Either in the first draft or the optional final draft, all parts of the “Prompt” are addressed and the responses demonstrate attainment of the learning objectives in the “Progress Check” section of the assignment. The answers are correct. The writing/work is clear. The explanation/work is reasonable, well-organized, and easy to follow.
6.5 ptsMostly Correct
The first submission demonstrates a good-faith effort to address most of the Prompt. In the optional final draft all parts of the “Prompt” are addressed, and the responses demonstrate attainment of the learning objectives in the “Progress Check” section of the assignment. The answers are mostly correct. The writing/work is clear. The explanation/work is reasonable, well-organized, and easy to follow.
3.5 ptsOne or more incorrect
The first submission demonstrates a good-faith effort to respond to a smaller portion of the Prompt. In the first draft or the optional final draft, one or more parts of the “Prompt” are not addressed or are incorrect. Or, answers do not demonstrate attainment of the learning objectives in the “Progress Check” section of the assignment. Or, answers are correct, but the writing/work is unclear, incorrect, or difficult to follow.
0 ptsNo Marks
The first submission does not demonstrate a good-faith effort to address the Prompt.
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStatCrunch
2 ptsFull Credit
StatCrunch graphs and/or tables are correct and embedded with your work.
1 ptsPartial Credit
StatCrunch graphs and/or tables are incorrect or missing important information.
0 ptsNo Credit
No StatCrunch information is embedded with your post. Or all StatCrunch work is incorrect.
2 pts
Total Points: 10


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