I need a revision to this essay you can find the comments in the essay and in th


I need a revision to this essay you can find the comments in the essay and in th

I need a revision to this essay you can find the comments in the essay and in the pic down
Assignment Guidelines
For Essay Two, you will compose a short piece that reports on your major findings from the interview and discusses how you will use the interview data in your Essay 3. Now that we have explored our own experiences with career literacy, how can we proactively seek an understanding of others’ narratives? This essay tasks you with conducting an interview with someone who has become an authority or entered a profession as a result of their skills in literacy who can speak to the challenges and affordances of their role—what their role asks them to do, what is challenging, and what they are able to do, especially as it relates to one of the literacies discussed in Chapter 1.
You will use your data to generate a claim about this profession and its grounding in literacies. The interview data will be used to support a series of claims about this profession and its intersections with literacies. Your report will also discuss how you plan to use this information in Essay 3.
To accomplish this, you will:
Identify someone to interview. The interview may be conducted via phone, email, or other non-physical means. What is important to remember here is that you want to focus on the intersections between career and literacy in your interview; therefore, you should consider talking to someone who has some kind of professional qualification.
Create an interview plan that includes a formal set of relevant, useful questions. Plan to record to the conversation if possible AND to take detailed notes as you interview. Then, conduct the interview.
Review the interview and analyze your notes/data looking for patterns OR trends in responses, especially where the information from your interview coheres with (or deviates from) your own experiences. Generate a claim about your major findings.
Write a short report that presents this claim as a thesis statement. Use the information from your interview to support your claim. The essay uses details from the interview to present your findings and give readers a reason to accept your claims about this profession and its roots in a certain type of literacy.
LengthA 3–4 pg. essay turned in via iCollege
An instructor-approved point of contact
A clear thesis statement that presents your major findings from the interview
Detailed evidence to support your claim that comes from your interview (e.g. direct quotes from interviewees, summaries of their stories/explanations)
A coherent organizational structure that supports your claim (includes introduction and conclusion)
MLA citation for all sources in attached Works Cited page
A set of research questions as an appendix
Proofreading and MLA formatting


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