Read Read the following journal articles: Jordan, J, Wade, M & Tomoko, Y 2022, ‘


Read the following journal articles:
Jordan, J, Wade, M & Tomoko, Y 2022, ‘

Read the following journal articles:
Jordan, J, Wade, M & Tomoko, Y 2022, ‘Finding the right balance – and flexibility – in your leadership style’, Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, pp. 1-8.
Baron, L, Rouleau, V, Grégoire, S & Baron, C 2018, ‘Mindfulness and leadership flexibility’, The Journal of Management Development, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 165-177, DOI:
Identify the main ideas and arguments related to the overall theme in both articles.
Use the following questions to help you draft your commentary on both articles:
What arguments do the authors raise concerning the overall theme?
To what extent do you (dis)agree with what the authors are saying? Use examples from your own professional experience to justify your answer.
Support your explanations/examples with links to other relevant theories/research/models from your wider reading.
How would/could you apply the theory/research/model in the role of leadership to improve your practical leadership capabilities?
word length for this assessment is a total of 1500 words (plus 10% tolerance).
Follow the commentary writing style
requires use of 2 attached articles, plus a minimum of five (5) additional credible academic references- must be peer reviewed journal articles


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