Once you have filled in the table, compare the data you collected for your count


Once you have filled in the table, compare the data you collected for your count

Once you have filled in the table, compare the data you collected for your county (union county NJ) against the data I have provided for the United States. Then, recognizing that your data are limited, in a few paragraphs—no more than 2 double-spaced pages—answer the following three sets of questions:
1. Your county (Union County NJ): How “typical” is your county compared to the United States?
– Are people in your county richer or poorer than the U.S. average?
– Are people in your county similar in racial and ethnic composition to the U.S. average?
– Are people in your county older or younger than the U.S. average?
– Are people in your county educated more or less than the U.S. average?
2. Your congressional representative: How important politically does money seem to be for your congressional representative?
– Did your representative raise more or less money than others in the 2021 election campaign?
– Who is your county’s representative most indebted to for funding their 2021 electoral campaign? Business? Labor? Banks? Or what?
– Is your county’s representative better or worse off financially than the average American?
3. Implications: Whose interests does your congressional representative seem to represent?
– Given your data, does it seem that your county’s congressional representative is likely to represent the interests of the average citizen in your county?
– Given your data, does it seem that your county’s congressional representative is likely to represent the interests of the average American citizen?
The Deliverable: Turn in your two-page double-spaced answer to the questions


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