Prompt Filling out forms is a large, and sometimes tedious, part of the job for


Filling out forms is a large, and sometimes tedious, part of the job for

Filling out forms is a large, and sometimes tedious, part of the job for every criminal justice professional. Forms are used to create a record of and document an incident. In addition, filling out the correct forms can trigger an important chain of events, such as follow-up visits by allied professionals. For this practice activity, review these sample forms. Consider their importance and some of the consequences that could arise from not completing or filing them. Choose at least three sample forms from the list. Then, using the provided template Word Document, complete the following:
For each form you have chosen, answer the following questions:
What type of form is this?
When would you fill out this form?
Why is this form important? What is this form supposed to do/trigger?
What are the potential consequences of not completing this form or not including all necessary information on this form?
Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:
Identify the form type.
Identify when the form is needed.
Describe the importance of the form.
Describe the potential consequences of not completing the form or not including all necessary information.
What to Submit
This assignment must be completed using the template provided. Any references must be cited in APA format.


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