Tell us a bit about yourself using a heritage/genealogy map in a brief PowerPoin


Tell us a bit about yourself using a heritage/genealogy map in a brief PowerPoin

Tell us a bit about yourself using a heritage/genealogy map in a brief PowerPoint (5-7 slides) presentation with a narrative (minimum one slide with a genealogy map; you may add slides with significant family pictures and pictures of historical importance to your family). please make this without any family pictures
Ideas of what you may discuss in your response:
This family heritage discussion forum involves the purposeful gathering of information, artifacts, anecdotes, records, graphs, and reflection statements to tell the story of your ethnic heritage and in particular the story of the oppression within your personal culture group. The purpose of the assignment is to encourage critical self-reflection and explore oppression from your point of you, in your shoes.
Understanding your cultural background is a crucial first step in developing cultural competence. This reflection process is intended to help you understand how your ethnicity and experiences affect your beliefs, thoughts, and biases concerning groups that are different than your own. Remember that older persons have a great appreciation for their cultural history and practices. Oral histories are an important source of information.
You may discuss family traditions, parenting styles, values, rules, habits, sayings, food, attitudes, religion, discipline, etc. Students are encouraged to discuss clothing, costumes, music, dance, or family specialty foods. Describe your ethnic/racial mixture, stating which ones you have selected for this forum and why. You may describe what and how you were taught about race/ethnicity and culture in your family and community, including your own and groups other than your own. Tell us about the specific ways in which your experiences have influenced how you view and relate to people from different backgrounds. *(on New Years Day we go to my grandparents house to drink Soup Joumou ( pumpkin soup)
You may discuss family traditions, parenting styles, values, rules, habits, sayings, food, attitudes, religion, discipline, etc. You may talk about what makes your family unique. You may place pictures in your PowerPoint presentation with objects that reflect your cultural identity and are personally significant to you. Each picture should include a description of what it is, the name of the source that provided it for you, her/his relationship to you, and the date of collection (self-selected artifacts, anecdotes that link you to your ethnic background). You may gather information from multiple sources.
Suggested sources for evidence include family members (parents, grandparents, and other kin) who can provide stories, anecdotes, artifacts, histories, and personal reflections. You may present (a) Works done by family members or someone from your ethnic/racial group with which you strongly identify (e.g., a photograph or sketch of grandmother’s hand-painted Polish Easter eggs). (b) Short stories, personal accounts, or interviews (e.g., an interview with someone from your ethnic background who participated in the civil rights movement). (c) Documents that say something about a part of your ethnicity, race, and culture (e.g., a family tree, descendant birth certificates, a newspaper article).
You need to include a brief immigration history of your family, both your Family’s specific history and your general group overview is highly encouraged:
(a) Where did they (your family/group) come from? Haiti, Leogane
(b) When did they arrive in the US? My grandpa( Merilus St Fort , Dad’s mom ) took a boat here in 1987 and file for all his kids and grandkids to come afteer
(c) Why did they come? a better life
d) How did they journey here. grandpa took the boat and everyone else by plane
(e) What work opportunities were available to them?Field Work of sell things from home
(f) In what ways were they affected by discrimination? In what ways were they stereotyped? they were not
( g) What are some of their contributions to the US? doing field work and voting. good citizen
(h) Where has your family lived in the United States? Florida
(i) Critically reflect on how the previous information has impacted your heritage. How hard they work to get here
my grandpa’s name from my mom side is Merilus St fort, my granma’s name is Melaaide St fort, their kids name are Merilia St Fort, Riguad St fort ( decease ) Miglese St Fort ( my mom ) Jeremy St Fort , Lisbotte St Fort, Yvolette St Fort. My name is christley Sylien. you can come up with Random names for my dad’s family with the same last name . just create a tree with out picture.
My father name is Joseph Sylien, his father name was Richard sylien, & his mothers name was Marie Sylien. Their kids name are Rigo Sylien, Majorie Sylien, Jean Ronald Sylien , Michael Sylien.


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