MUST USE TEMPLATE! In this task, you will complete a literacy-based learning se


In this task, you will complete a literacy-based learning se

In this task, you will complete a literacy-based learning segment overview that is designed to support, engage, and motivate a special education student while they interact with students in the general education setting. Consult the two attached profiles, “Alex’s Student Profile” and “Anna’s Student Profile,” which include a profile of each student and assessment data. You will select one to be your focus learner for the task.
The following resources will aid in your development of a learning segment overview: “Special Education Learning Segment Overview Template Guide” and video clips, “Special Education Learning Segment Overview Template,” and “Special Education Learning Segment Overview Exemplar.” See the supporting documents for these resources.
Each course in the WGU Special Education Program adheres to the ethical principles set by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Please consider these principles as you work on this assessment.
Special Education Professional Ethical Principles
Professional special educators are guided by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) professional ethical principles, practice standards, and professional policies in ways that respect the diverse characteristics and needs of individuals with exceptionalities and their families. They are committed to upholding and advancing the following principles:
1. Maintaining challenging expectations for individuals with exceptionalities to develop the highest possible learning outcomes and quality of life potential in ways that respect their dignity, culture, language, and background.
2. Maintaining a high level of professional competence and integrity and exercising professional judgment to benefit individuals with exceptionalities and their families.
3. Promoting meaningful and inclusive participation of individuals with exceptionalities in their schools and communities.
4. Practicing collegially with others who are providing services to individuals with exceptionalities.
5. Developing relationships with families based on mutual respect and actively involving families and individuals with exceptionalities in educational decision-making.
6. Using evidence, instructional data, research, and professional knowledge to inform practice.
7. Protecting and supporting the physical and psychological safety of individuals with exceptionalities.
8. Neither engaging in nor tolerating any practice that harms individuals with exceptionalities.
9. Practicing within the professional ethics, standards, and policies of CEC; upholding laws, regulations, and policies that influence professional practice; and advocating improvements in the laws, regulations, and policies.
10. Advocating for professional conditions and resources that will improve learning outcomes of individuals with exceptionalities.
11. Engaging in the improvement of the profession through active participation in professional organizations.
12. Participating in the growth and dissemination of professional knowledge and skills.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).
Complete the “Special Education Learning Segment Overview Template” by doing the following:
A. Identify which focus learner you have selected from the provided attached profiles that will be used to build the learning segment overview, including each of the following general information points:
• teacher candidate name
• date developed
• focus learner name from chosen profile
• special education learning segment title
• time/period estimate
• grade level
1. Explain how the relevant baseline data provided for the focus learner supports the IEP goal, including the following details:
• identifying a knowledge gap or need
• using multiple assessments in the analysis of the baseline data
2. Develop a central focus that aligns with each of the three created learning objectives for the subsequent lessons from the learning plan segment overview and that ties to the focus learner’s IEP goal from part A1.
Note: Each of the learning objectives referenced in part A2 are those you will provide for the lessons in parts B1b, B2b, and B3b.
B. Create a three-lesson, literacy-focused learning segment overview that will help the focus learner achieve the central focus identified in part A2 by doing the following:
1. Create an overview for Lesson 1 by doing the following:
a. Identify an academic literacy standard (e.g., state or Common Core) that is relevant to the central focus, including the alphanumeric code for the standard.
b. Create a learning objective, including the behavior, condition, and criteria, that is aligned to the standard selected in part B1a.
c. Explain one instructional strategy, one grouping arrangement, and one planned support you will use in the lesson.
Note: While only one instructional strategy, grouping arrangement, and planned support must be explained for each lesson, you may include more if appropriate.
d. Describe one formative assessment you will use to monitor the focus learner’s progress toward the learning objective for Lesson 1.
e. Identify learning support materials you will provide to complete the lesson, including any modifications or accommodations to ensure that the needs of your focus learner are met.
f. Identify either one expressive or one receptive communication skill that will be taught in Lesson 1, practiced in Lesson 2, and maintained in Lesson 3.
i. Explain how the learning activities in Lesson 1 will be used to teach the communication skill identified in part B1f.
2. Create an overview for Lesson 2 by doing the following:
a. Identify an academic literacy standard (e.g., state or Common Core) that is relevant to the central focus, including the alphanumeric code for the standard.
b. Create a learning objective, including the behavior, condition, and criteria, that is aligned to the standard selected in part B2a.
c. Explain one instructional strategy, one grouping arrangement, and one planned support you will use in the lesson.
Note: While only one instructional strategy, grouping arrangement, and planned support must be explained for each lesson, you may include more if appropriate.
d. Describe one formative assessment you will use to monitor the focus learner’s progress toward the learning objective for Lesson 2.
e. Identify learning support materials you will provide to complete the lesson, including any modifications or accommodations to ensure that the needs of your focus learner are met.
f. Explain how the learning activities in Lesson 2 will be used to practice the communication skill identified in part B1f.
3. Create an overview for Lesson 3 by doing the following:
a. Identify an academic literacy standard (e.g., state or Common Core) that is relevant to the central focus, including the alphanumeric code for the standard.
b. Create a learning objective, including the behavior, condition, and criteria, that is aligned to the standard selected in part B3a.
c. Explain one instructional strategy, one grouping arrangement, and one planned support you will use in the lesson.
Note: While only one instructional strategy, grouping arrangement, and planned support must be explained for each lesson, you may include more if appropriate.
d. Describe one formative assessment you will use to monitor the focus learner’s progress toward the learning objective for Lesson 3.
e. Identify learning support materials you will provide to complete the lesson, including any modifications or accommodations to ensure that the needs of your focus learner are met.
f. Explain how the learning activities in Lesson 3 will be used to maintain the communication skill identified in part B1f.
C. Describe one summative assessment you will use to monitor the focus learner’s progress toward the central focus from part A2.
D. Explain how the learning segment overview you created in part B was designed to support, motivate, and engage the focus learner while interacting with other students in the general education setting.
E. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


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