please provide answers regarding the matriarch controlling images A brief descri


please provide answers regarding the matriarch controlling images
A brief descri

please provide answers regarding the matriarch controlling images
A brief descriiption and Purpose of the issue: In this section, provide a brief
descriiption of the project and its significance by focusing on the following questions:
ï‚· what issue/phenomenon are you working on?
ï‚· What is it historical and social significance?
ï‚· Why are you interested in this topic (e.g., basis of your understanding of the
phenomenon, its history and origins, and its current influence (or lack thereof today’s
 Are there any research questions you’re looking at or questions guiding your analysis?
ï‚· How is your issue/phenomenon connected to Black Feminist Thought?
 How do you position yourself vis-à-vis this project?


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