Topic: Compare the average annual percentage of diabetic Medicare enrollees aged


Topic: Compare the average annual percentage of diabetic Medicare enrollees aged

Topic: Compare the average annual percentage of diabetic Medicare enrollees aged 65-75 who have had an eye examination, between B and W populations in the US (Year?)
Assignment #1
As I stated in my more extensive instructions for Practice Exercise #1, learning in this class should be progressive.
I have provided additional and more extensive (step-by-step) instructions for completing our first Assignment (Assignment #1) below. I expect you to use what you learn from these instructions to complete Assignments #2 and #3. And so on, in a progressive way.
In short, I will not repeat these additional more extensive instructions in subsequent assignment instructions.
Assignment #1: Quantitative Analysis
Our Target:
To develop an evaluative research question associated with health care management issues and propose a methodology that could lead to an improvement of health care delivery.
For this assignment, students are asked to analyze the appropriate data file to answer a research question based on a research topic they selected earlier in Week 1.
Students will develop an analysis summary report (maximum 5 pages excluding cover page and last page of references. Your report should have the following main sections:
Cover Page
Introduction (1 short paragraph).
Research Design & Method (topic, question, data file, statistical method).
Research/Analysis Results (short set-up report, tables, graphs, & summary).
Research Conclusion (based on 3 above) and Health Policy Recommendations.
Step 1: Develop the research question from your topic and specify the statistical method to answer the question (based on the question).
Step 2: Load the data, set up the data, clean it, and write a short setup report, ETC. – the same way you did for Exercise #1.
Step 3: Analyze the data, review the findings, create graphs to highlight or heighten the findings, and write a summary report.
The Report Structure:
Cover page (1 page, including running head).
In the title page include:
Title (this is your approved research topic.)
Student name
Class name
Instructor name
Introduce the topic being investigated. Indicate for example why this is an issue/topic worth researching. Local examples or experiences are preferable.
Literature Review (There is no need for a literature review in this assignment.)
Research Design & Method
What is the Research Topic? Formulate or derive a research question from your research topic. Discuss the Research Methodology. Describe the variable or variables that will be analyzed. Identify the statistical test you will select to analyze these data and explain why you chose this test. Summarize your statistical alternative hypothesis.
Describe the data file (Search for more information about it – and obtain the proper citation for it).
Review the data file and select the variable(s) that are a “good fit” to do your analysis. Review your decision on the choice of variable(s) and create Table A.1.
Table A.1 List of variables used. (This is an Example – Use as a Template)
Description of code
Total Hospital Beds
Total facility beds set up and staffed at the end of the reporting period
MN Data
Source: UMGC, 2019
Explain the statistical method you plan to use for your analysis (Refer to the contents in week 3 on Biostatistics for information on various statistical methods you can choose from).
Research Question: Are AZ hospitals more likely to have readmission rates for PN lower than those in CA?
Research Method: To determine whether Arizona hospitals are more likely to have lower readmission rates than California, we will use a t-test. The t-test will allow us to determine whether differences across AZ and CA are statistically significant (You can change the test depending on your analysis).
Describe the statistical software tool you would use (one line).
Research Analysis Results
Check the distribution of the data variables you propose to use. This is to check for outliers and to test to find the best fit. For example, if the data does not have a normal distribution, you may not use the parametric test. Removing outliers may get you a normal distribution. Whether you eliminated outliers (or not), please write 1 or 2 sentences to report on what you did or did not do. How many outliers were eliminated etc?
How many observations do you have in your data file and how many observations for your selected variables? You can then report on the % of observations that are found to be “missing.”
Analyze your data, based on your research plans in #3 above. Create table(s), and graphs, as part of the summary of the results of your analysis. Present the summary of your analysis.
Make sure to name all your variables, statistical characteristics, columns, and rows completely and correctly, in your tables.
Table A.2. Analysis Results (This is an Example – Use as a Template)
Number of Observations


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