Directions: Please answer the following questions, write 1 paragraph for each (a


Directions: Please answer the following questions, write 1 paragraph for each (a

Directions: Please answer the following questions, write 1 paragraph for each (approx. one page total) or record yourself thoroughly answering the questions. 1. What did you find most interesting/thought-provoking/upsetting? What would you like to learn more about/talk more about?
2. How does what we learned about in Module 4 connect to you or your community or to current events/issues?
3. What did you know about the influences of Native Americans on the formation of the United States government? What did you know about the experiences of soldiers during the Revolutionary War? 4. What are two new things that you learned about the Revolutionary War period? Please provide one example from each film.
5. Has your perception/view of the Revolutionary War period changed after watching these videos? Why or why not?
Watch these two videos to answer the questions


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