Assignment Instructions: ( Worth 135 points) What is a Behavior Plan? … It is


Assignment Instructions: ( Worth 135 points)
What is a Behavior Plan? … It is

Assignment Instructions: ( Worth 135 points)
What is a Behavior Plan? … It is a plan for what to do to prevent challenging behavior and what to do when it occurs. A behavior plan should also specify any reinforcement system in place. My hope is that this assignment assists you in your classroom. First review the two resources below and feel free to copy them for your future work as an educator. Directions: Written part of the assignment: I would like you to create a plan for your behavior management plan for your classroom that will have the following components: Please put all these components on a word document and submit. 1. Worth up to 50 points: Design and create a full day schedule (at least 8 hours) that has visual and written cues for the students that would help support the class. Please include transitions. Please include a picture of what the schedule looks like.
2. Worth up to 25 points: Create 5 age-appropriate rules for indoors and 5 age-appropriate rules for outdoors and submit these on a Word Document. You can choose your age group. Write down your rules and separate out the indoor and outdoor rules. 3.Worth up to 25 points: Classroom Procedures: Develop at least 5 classroom procedures for your classroom and explain them. You can choose your age group. Example: procedure for going outside, procedure for asking a question, procedure for coming into the classroom. Will this be through visual? verbal? or both? tell me what your procedures will be for the students in your class. 4. Worth up to 10 points: Develop a short statement of purpose for your classroom. This should be at least two paragraphs long. See IRIS Link above for example of statement of purpose. 5. Worth up to 25 points: Discuss in 3 paragraphs strategies that you might use in your classroom to help in preventing behaviors that might happen. (Biting, hitting, etc.) Also include what you might do if these behaviors do occur and what steps you might take to assist the child. For example, offer alternatives such as additional outdoor time, one on one time, a shadow, discussions with parents and supervisor).
** Article below is helpful for this assignment. Optional Resources below: sample_management_plan.docDownload sample_management_plan.doc


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