Attached is a catalog of Johannes Vermeer’s work from Rijksmuseum’s Vermeer Show


Attached is a catalog of Johannes Vermeer’s work from Rijksmuseum’s Vermeer Show

Attached is a catalog of Johannes Vermeer’s work from Rijksmuseum’s Vermeer Show, the latest exhibit in Amsterdam (
Study the work. Then answer the following question:
Do you believe that Vermeer used a lens or a camera obscura to help him create his masterpieces?
Do you agree or disagree with the theories that Renaissance and Baroque Masters like Vermeer created many of their paintings with the help of lenses and optical devices?
Your response should be around three to four paragraphs, prepared in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, and uploaded. Please cite your research sources in MLA format. For example, to cite an Internet article:
In-Text Citation:
Works Cited Page:
Cascone, Sarah. “Did Vermeer Trace His Golden Age Masterpieces? An Artist Puts the Theory to the Test” Artnet News, 17 Aug. 2017, Accessed 20 Mar. 2023.
I have added an MLA template created in Microsoft Word, so you can see the format and use it for your paper.
The Owl Purdue has an excellent website on MLA and other research formats:


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