9 to 10 pages in length, including a reference page. APA format. The paper will


9 to 10 pages in length, including a reference page. APA format. The paper will

9 to 10 pages in length, including a reference page. APA format. The paper will demonstrate a process of therapy in two parts, Park One will show a first session with a new client, beginning with a very brief identifying client information, a sentence or two. Following will be a transcriipt section of dialogue (2 paes or so) between therapist and client, engaging narrative practice(s) in the process:
The transcriipt sedition is then followed by a descriiptive paragraph, identifying the narrative practices engaged in the transcriipt, including at least one reference from your weekly readings (attached). Two or three more transcriipt sections follow, each followed by a descriiptive paragraph. Please avoid long monologues by the client. The teacher is much more interested in your responses to client information and language. THe purpose here is to engage narrative practices with your LGBTQ-identified client, relative to their particular challenges (coming out/inviting in, marginalization, hetero-normative influences, partnership, family, etc.).
Part Two of the paper will describe a later season of therapy wht the same client, highlighting additional narrative practices studied, and will include another two transcriipt sections, followed by two descriiptive paragraphs with reference, illustrating your work. For this assignment, feel free to use an actual current or past client or a character of choice from (XXY). I’m choosing Alex Kraken from the movie XXY (you tube).
APA format with reference page. Please use at least 3 references from articles sent. Also, you can use the articles from my last paper that you did, but use 2 from new articles.


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