Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to identify an opportunity for process


The purpose of this assignment is to identify an opportunity for process

The purpose of this assignment is to identify an opportunity for process improvement at your workplace, or anotherorganization that you are familiar with, and develop a charter to analyze and implement using the Lean Six Sigma (LSS)problem-solving methodology. The second part of the assignment is to draft a cover “email” to the leader of the area for approval to launch your project.
How to Proceed
1. Complete the assigned reading, and watch the assigned videos for Unit 5.
2. Choose a process that you believe could be improved in your organization, or another organization that you are familiar with. Start by thinking about the 8 types of lean waste. Examples with non-value added steps or wastecould include: manual entry of information that is slow and prone to error, processes that include long wait times,or excessive motion (running around to get what you need).
3. Create a project charter to document what project you have selected and what you want to accomplish. Acharter template can be found here. Other formats will be accepted, provided they cover as a minimum, all of thesections in the provided template.
4. Draft a cover “email” for approval to launch your project – your call for action, and why you propose to follow theLSS methodology. Your email should be a maximum of 3 paragraphs and should be as concise as possible.


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