You need to do 2 discussions (one each for history and pol science). You need to


You need to do 2 discussions (one each for history and pol science). You need to

You need to do 2 discussions (one each for history and pol science). You need to check my previous work and feedback and make it long enough:
pol science discussion
Week 5 Discussion
Should the United States join the International Criminal Court? Would U.S. membership help promote international justice or would it expose American officials and service-people to politically motivated harassment? Why is the United States resistant, and does non-membership serve U.S. interests?
If you support American membership, explain why in the U.S. In the ICC thread; if you oppose U.S. membership, explain why in the U.S. Out of the ICC thread. Defend your position with either logical arguments or contemporary or historical facts. Post your essay no later than midnight on March 16.
Respond to the postings of a least two other students, one from each of the two threads, no later than midnight on March 18. What are the strengths and shortcomings of the other students” arguments? How could their arguments be strengthened? (500+ words discussion post and 120+ word replies )
History Discussion, Lesson 5
Participation in Discussions: First you have to answer thee discussion questions in each forum I posted. This will be your original or initial post. Then you must comment on one of your colleagues’ original posts in each forum.
Each of the initial (original) responses must be at least 120 words in length addressing straightforwardly the discussion question. Each of the responses (comments) to other students’ original posts must be at least 45 words in length and again must directly targeted your fellow students’ original response. You are expected to provide your comments in a way that shows you have read the book as well as the source and understood it. Moreover, the responses to the colleagues’ post should contain a new turn, brings up a new angel, or present a new piece of information. Simply saying I agree, disagree, or you think a comment is “cool” is not enough. Why you think so is a crucial part of this forum. Therefore, please do your reading before embarking on engaging with the discussion forum; otherwise, you cannot provide reasons to support your claims and justify your arguments. Although emojis (Emoticons) are allowed in the forum, please be aware that overusing them will not bring any grades for you since you are not offering a constructive contribution to the discussion by your words. This is not timed but you need to submit your responses by 11:59PM on the Friday of the week they are assigned.
Primary Source: The Edict of Gülhane (The Rescript of Gülhane– Gülhane Hatt-ı Hümayunu)
Discussion questions: Who wrote this text and what are the goals of the author(s)? To what extent the goals described in this text have been achieved in the history of the Ottoman Empire?


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