1- In the broadest terms, cultural appropriation is when one culture borrows fro


1- In the broadest terms, cultural appropriation is when one culture borrows fro

1- In the broadest terms, cultural appropriation is when one culture borrows from another culture. In this assignment we will specifically look at the change in context and residual impact of culture appropriation. Students should submit in their initial threads images of an example of cultural appropriation. Explain how the context of the object or culture referenced might be affected.
If your image includes an actual object, are the materials significant to the original culture and does that significance translate in its new context?
If your image is relevant to the discussion as a symbol, describe how the iconography qualifies as cultural appropriation.
Compare and contrast the content or meaning as you discuss the original culture and the transition to appropriation.
What might be some residual effects of cultural appropriation?
Your original post answers should appear in paragraph format with a minimum of 500 words.
2-Explain the difference between art and useful objects. Then, discuss how craft media can be an artform by referencing any of the clay, glass, metal, wood, or textile objects from chapter 13. Citing specific examples, explain how the artists have helped shaped society’s ability to recognize “crafts” as viable artforms.Answers should be between 250-500 words in paragraph format and include APA citation.
3 a-For the women in class: Compare your experiences in middle schoolwith the findings in the article “On Becoming Female”. How were yourexperiences similar to what Eder reports? How were they different? Forthe men in class: Compare your learning of gender with points made inthe article “On Becoming Male”.
b-According to Tannen what are the main differences between men andwomen in conversations. How do your personal experiences compare withthe article?
Each of your answers should be around 300 words for a total ofapproximately 600 words.


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