Please write your original post about ONE particular aspect of ONE of this weeks


Please write your original post about ONE particular aspect of ONE of this weeks

Please write your original post about ONE particular aspect of ONE of this weeks topics. Be sure no other student has already written about it! For example, you might choose to write about the early days of TK in California, the current state of TK, your own classroom, ONE myth about TK, ONE of the researched benefits of TK or ONE of the TK FAQ’s. Don’t write about “Purpose of TK” since there are at least 6 different subtopics you can write about. Here is what you should include in your post:
1. Explain your topic in your own words. If you do cut and paste something, include the link for reference. up to 5 points
2. Why is this topic is interesting to you personally – 2 points
3. Specific questions you have about the topic (at least two questions, asked of other students, explained, which can relate to either #1 or #2 above) – 4 points
Students who post about the same topic as another student will lose 7 points.
Posts written by AI will lose all 15 points.


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