1) Find a relevant news article/paper concerning an individual who chose to foll


1) Find a relevant news article/paper concerning an individual who chose to foll

1) Find a relevant news article/paper concerning an individual who chose to follow their own path (as opposed to societal norms) in order to experience a more successful life. Shell, whose own life (as evidenced by his life story discussed in the Springboard Introduction) is an example of such a person, uses a quote from Steve Jobs (former Apple CEO) to illustrate: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life…Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And, most important, have the courage too follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become…”
2) Post a hyperlink to the news article/paper.
3) Write at approximately 250 words summarizing the article and analyzing the article by explaining how this individual was able to pursue their passion. What attributes/virtues (courage, for one, is likely present) did they exhibit that enabled them to follow a unique path as opposed to following societal norms. As with last week’s post, note that this can take place in any setting, from work to school to one’s personal life. Again, consider specific ways that the information you’ve gained from the article can be practically applied to your own life.


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