Addressing a Social Issue of Your Choosing 1616 unread replies.1616 replies. Add


Addressing a Social Issue of Your Choosing
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Addressing a Social Issue of Your Choosing
1616 unread replies.1616 replies.
Addressing a Social Justice Issue of Your Interest: You will select a current social issue of concern to you (for example, food insecurity, healthcare access, Immigration, climate change, housing, indigenous rights, gender equality, prisoners rights, reproductive rights, racism, etc). You will create a powerpoint to share the following information:
-Explain your issue and how it is harmful in its current state, and to who. -Propose a solution to address this issue. Make sure you address where funding will come from, if that is needed, which stakeholders need to be involved (for implementation as well as oversight) and how your solution will positively impact the intended community. -Share the Powerpoint on class DB and comment on at least 2 peers posts. Sample Ideas of Issues of interest that are relevant to those we work with:
Housing insecurity (tenant rights, housing costs, etc)
Mental health and addictions
Domestic Violence
Incarceration/Re integration into society/Prisoner Rights
Indigenous Rights (MMIWG for example)
LGBTQ Rights


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