In this assignment, you will rewrite a very boring, remaking a bland and vague s


In this assignment, you will rewrite a very boring, remaking a bland and vague s

In this assignment, you will rewrite a very boring, remaking a bland and vague story into a completely different, intriguing story.
Here is the text you will be working with:
He entered the room. He walked across the floor. She looked at him. He opened it. They both knew the truth.
She entered the room. She walked across the floor. He looked at her. She opened it. They both knew the truth.
The anemic paragraph above contains only 5 simple sentences. It’s dull; it has no context (what the heck is the “it” that “he” opened) and no tone, and it is far too underdeveloped to be a paragraph in a college paper (or to interest anyone with a pulse). Your assignment is to rewrite this paragraph in two of the genres* listed below.
Pick four of these genres (you will only write a story using 1 genre at a time, but you will write 4 stories. MAKE 2 STORIES FOR EACH TEXT USING 2 DIFFERENT GENRES: 4 IN TOTAL):
Science Fiction
Dystopian *note on the word “genre”—your textbook might use the term “genre” to talk about a class of writing (memoirs as opposed to reports), but it is also used to talk about a style or type of story, like Western or mystery.
You must follow these rules:
Your final paragraph will contain four or five sentences—you will expand each sentence and can combine two of them if you choose. You CANNOT eliminate any of the sentences or ideas. You CANNOT add more sentences, but can add clauses onto these sentences.
You can replace words only with more vivid synonyms (i.e., you can replace “looked” with “glowered” but not “murdered”).
Using introductory and modifying phrases and clauses (see next page), expand all the sentences to create a more complete story told in the style or the genres you have selected. For example for a Western, “He entered the room” might become “As the sound of buckshot rang out from the ongoing gunfight in the street, Dusty staggered into the bar, trailing blood from a flesh wound in his thigh.”
All sentences must be grammatically correct—no run-ons or fragments.
Have Fun! Play with language and make this as over-the-top as you want!


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