Research Paper/Impact Paper (written assignment): Worth up to 100 points Note: T


Research Paper/Impact Paper (written assignment): Worth up to 100 points Note: T

Research Paper/Impact Paper (written assignment): Worth up to 100 points Note: The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to assist in writing is strictly forbidden and is considered plagiarism because it is not original writing. You must write all essays and papers in your own words. AI-detecting software may be used to analyze your submissions. Here is your chance to display your research skills! Oh don’t worry I am sure you can do it ON TIME! Submit online in an WORD ATTACHMENT in the heading “Research paper”. I know you can do it ON TIME! “Real-life” research paper- Students, write a paper on a health topic that has directly influenced or affected your family or personal experience. One example will be a Personal Impact paper- The topic must have a cover page and a reference page (APA format only). Paper must be at least 6 pages in length (4 pages of content NOT including cover page and reference page) and be typed in 12 point font and be double spaced. Fifty points of the paper will describe why this topic has made a personal impact on to you and what you the student hopes to learn by researching this topic. The other fifty points of the content will be dedicated to investigative research of this topic and must include proper citations along with a reference page; minimum of 10 facts and underline each fact. At the end of each fact put the reference in parenthesis in APA Style. Examples of topics include but not limited to: Alcohol and drug abuse, violence, mental health issues, family history of disease or personal ailments/conditions, food choices. obesity, eating disorders, exercise, culture and health topics, pregnancy, STIs, stress.


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