1. From your readings in chapter 12, when addressing techniques for measuring pe


1. From your readings in chapter 12, when addressing techniques for measuring pe

1. From your readings in chapter 12, when addressing techniques for measuring personality, Identify and DISCUSS two (2) techniques you consider to be the most important. 2. From your review of chapter 13, DISCUSS how you chose between structured and unstructured interview for your INTERVIEW assignment. 3. Discuss how depression and suicide risen to an all time high during the pandemic, and how would you assess for this in your own work with children, adolescents and adults. 4. After assessing a 14 year-old-female you determine she meets the DSM criteria related to Bipolar D/O. Who do you communicate the assessment results to, and why? 5. What does it mean to be cognitively impaired? What instrument would you administer to measure impairment, and why?


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